Posts tagged Evening Edit
KT McFarland blasts Pentagon's plan to relocate Afghan refugees to US

In their magical zeal to undo everything Donald Trump did, including the very good things he did, the Biden administration, without any analysis they opened the southern border. Now millions are streaming across the southern border, not just from Mexico and Central America but as far away as Africa and Afghanistan.

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Blue cities asking for help amid 'defund the police' movement

This is rank hypocrisy - Portland, LA, NY, NC are responsible for creating their own crises by defunding the police and instituting anti-police policies. They now expect to be bailed out to deal with it. What is that old expression - it’s like the guy who killed his parents and then threw himself at the mercy at the courts because he was an orphan.

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Biden investing in 'crony capitalism' under guise of infrastructure

Biden promised to cut US emissions by 50% by the end of the decade which will require a massive overhaul of the US economy and trillions in spending. It will greatly reduce our economic growth just as we emerge from pandemic, eliminate the US coal industry, cripple the US oil and gas industry, cost both energy and manufacturing jobs, and dramatically upend the US automobile culture.

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